Employment Central

Employer Services

Job advertisements:

We post job vacancies on our website and on the radio with Chon-FM and CKRW free of charge and we post Casual Labourer Callouts on our Facebook page free of charge

Boardroom access:

The board room at Employment Central is available upon request for employers to host interviews free of charge

Resume collection:

Upon request, we can collect resumes on behalf of employers for vacant positions

Connecting with applicants:

Employment Central staff work with job seekers on a daily basis and can often connect employers with qualified applicants. If you are having difficulty finding qualified and experienced staff, have someone you are willing to train and your company qualifies for a wage subsidy under the Staffing Up Funding Program an employment counsellor will provide support to the employee during the training period. Our employment counsellors may also be able to connect you with a job seeker who needs on-the-job training/work experience, and could be a good fit for your company. See more info on the Government of Yukon's Staffing Up Funding Program.

Canada Job Bank:

Employment Central staff can assist you with posting jobs, connecting with job seekers through Job Match and accessing labour market information. https://www.jobbank.gc.ca/home

Employment Central is operated by Judy L Corley Consulting Inc. and is funded by Government of Yukon, Economic Development and Service Canada